Good luck in 2007 Angels
Its all over. Santana takes a line drive off his knee. He'll probably wind up on the DL, which means starts for Kevin Gregg or Dustin Mosely comes back up. Neither is an appealing option.
The defense just isn't going to be championship caliber this year. If this team even has a chance to field well, Scioscia won't let them. Kendrick has made a ton of mistakes of inexperience at 1B, and Garret Anderson is still playing LF with Juan Rivera at DH far too often - and any more than once every two weeks is too much.
Kendry Morales since he was sent down is 19 for 51 with 5 homers. He also played fine defense at 1B when he was up. I'm ready for a Kendry and Kendrick infield, the sooner the better.
The A's aren't even a very good team, but there's no resistance in the west this year. The only question is whether the Yankees or Tigers get to knock them out in round 1.
Keep it up
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