Tuesday, August 04, 2009

How to Evaluate Catcher Defense

At least part of it. I remain agnostic as to how much impact a catcher's game calling has on pitchers. I use retrosheet, though you can make a reasonable approximation with data from Baseball-reference, Fangraphs, or Hardball Times.

Data needed: Innings caught, Stolen bases allowed, caught stealing, passed balls, wild pitches, errors, and pickoffs. I have totals of these data for each catcher by pitcher handedness, one total for lefties and one for righties.

1. Find the league averages per inning caught for each of the data elements above, by pitcher hand.

2. Compare each catcher's totals to the league average prorated to his innings. If a league allows .12 steals per inning with RHP, a catcher has 1000 innings and allows 80 steals with RHP, then he has allowed 40 steals fewer than average. Do this for all data elements.

3. Apply run value. For recent years I use:

SB -0.20 ....CS/Pick 0.47 ....WP/PB/Err -0.275

Sum up the run values for all events and both righties and lefties, and you've got catcher runs. Modify as you wish (Don't believe a catcher can have any impact on preventing wild pitches? Leave that out).


At 8:06 PM, Blogger dan said...


While this method does do a good job in general, it ignores context. Am I correct in assuming that you prefer WOWY to this method?

At 5:28 PM, Blogger Chone Smith said...

I would prefer WOWY - looking at specific pitchers caught, for a career rating. For a season-by-season rating, this has some advantages:

1. Easier to do.
2. If you use single year for the without part, then your ratings are too dependent on quality of backup.
3. If you use multiple years for the without part, ratings will change with more data added in subsequent years.

And the results are extremely close, just compare Tango's WOWY results in the Hardball Times to my results.

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